NDEMU Monthly Newsletter
In January 2021, the National Disaster & Emergency Management University (NDEMU) launched the NDEMU Monthly Newsletter to share timely news and information to our stakeholders. The monthly newsletter provides up-to-date information, including What’s New; Highlights and news from NDEMU; Updates from the NDEMU Branches; Course scheduling, development, and availability information; Frequently Asked Questions (Ask a Course Manager), and contact information for each of the NDEMU Branches.
Volume 3, 2023
Save the Date – NIMS ICS Delivery General E-Forum
The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) will conduct two “E-Forums” for National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System (ICS) course delivery. NIMS ICS Instructors (both Position Specific and NIMS Core), State and Federal Training Officers, course points of contact, and any other interested party is welcome to attend.
EMI Delivers Courses During the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) 2023 Conference
EMI delivered courses during the IAEM Conference in Long Beach, California. Students from across the nation and around the world attended this training prior to the conference. The EMI Preparedness Branch delivered two National Incident Management (NIMS) courses to the conference attendees: L0975 Finance/Administration Unit Leader saw 23 students complete the course, and the L0191 Emergency Operations Center (EOC)/Incident Command System (ICS) Interface courses saw 40 students complete the course. Additionally, EMI’s Emergency Management Professionals Program delivered a L0102 Science for Disasters, with 35 students completing the course.
Next-Generation Incident Command System (ICS) Position Training for the National Qualification System
The current All-Hazards Position-Specific (AHPS) curriculum consists of 18 position-specific courses and 12 Train-the-Trainer courses. Since the release of the National Qualification System (NQS) guidance and tools in 2017, EMI has been working toward another revision of these courses to better support NQS-based position qualification. This revision is necessary because the current courses fail to address deeper context of responsibilities, tasks, and work products for ICS Positions and are at too low of a learning level.
The Emergency Management Institute at 70
From Civil Defense to Emergency Management in an Education and Training Institution, by Patrick S. Roberts: This report traces the 70-year history of the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) from the founding of its predecessor in 1951 to the present. The story of these institutions’ development can inform current strategy about EMI’s future. EMI trains primarily state, local, tribal, and territorial officials in emergency management (EM). It also trains some federal officials and leaders in the nonprofit and private sectors and provides course materials for higher education. This report shows how emergency management grew out of civil defense and is entering an era in which it is being given responsibility for leading preparations for an increasing variety of hazards and disasters.
Learning Management System (LMS)
The Chief Information Officers at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have advised the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) that we are not able to move forward with the rollout of the new LMS. With the inability to move forward, we will be maintaining the current system, with some required updates. The good news is that there will be no interruption to EMI training.
Learning Management System (LMS) Update #4
The implementation of these enhancements is necessary to support the best student experience. The previously shared system outage dates are going to be pushed to later in the summer to allow for these enhancements to the system. Exact dates have not been determined, and plenty of notice will be given once they have been set.
EMI Hosts the 2023 National Preparedness Symposium
EMI recently hosted the 2023 National Preparedness Symposium. More than 250 emergency management training, exercise, and planning officials from Federal, state, local, tribal, and other FEMA partners attended the event, which was held May 23—25 at the National Emergency Training Center campus in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
National Preparedness Symposium
The 2023 National Preparedness Symposium (NPS) will take place at EMI at the National Emergency Training Center (NETC), May 23–25. The theme of NPS this year is “Enhancing Your Preparedness Toolbox.” The agenda includes separate tracks for emergency management training, planning, and exercising.
FEMA National Exercise Program Now Accepting Requests for Exercise Support
FEMA’s National Exercise Program is accepting requests for exercise support. To be considered for the 2023 round of the National Exercise Program, submissions are due by June 1. This will be the only opportunity to request exercise support in 2023. For jurisdictions not ready to submit a request at this time, the National Exercise Program will hold another exercise support round in 2024
National Qualification System (NQS) Informational Webinars
The FEMA National Integration Center and the Emergency Management Institute NIMS Training staff will be presenting a series of 1-hour NQS informational webinars for state, territorial, tribal, and local (SLTT) Training Officers, NIMS coordinators and NQS implementers in April 2023. The purpose of these webinars is to discuss NQS implementation best practices and to address questions and concerns from SLTT partners related to Phase 1 of the NQS Implementation Objectives. The desired outcome is for SLTT partners to gain a better understanding of NQS implementation. The format for the webinar will be primarily focused on discussions of implementation questions submitted by participants.
2023 National Preparedness Symposium (NPS)
Planning and preparations for the NPS are underway. The symposium this year will take place at EMI, May 23-25, 2023. In addition to the regular three-day program, this year EMI is offering a pre-symposium seminar State Training Officer (STO)/Regional Training Manager (RTM) FEMA Training Enterprise Orientation, to be held Monday, May 22. This will be an expanded version of the webinar previously offered by EMI.
Over 2 Million Completions
EMI Reaches Over 2 Million Completions in Calendar Year 2022. Although completions are usually reported by the Fiscal Year, EMI is pleased to report that there were over 2 million course completions in Calendar Year 2022.