NDEMU Monthly Newsletter
In January 2021, the National Disaster & Emergency Management University (NDEMU) launched the NDEMU Monthly Newsletter to share timely news and information to our stakeholders. The monthly newsletter provides up-to-date information, including What’s New; Highlights and news from NDEMU; Updates from the NDEMU Branches; Course scheduling, development, and availability information; Frequently Asked Questions (Ask a Course Manager), and contact information for each of the NDEMU Branches.
Volume 4, 2024
FEMA Establishes National Disaster & Emergency Management University (NDEMU)
Emergency Management, as a practice, is constantly shifting to address the Nation’s most pressing threats, risks, and hazards, from climate change to cyber to pandemic preparedness. To better address these needs, FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI) is creating the National Disaster & Emergency Management University, or NDEMU, to help Emergency Managers build capacity today to meet the hazards of tomorrow.
Are You Interested in Becoming an EMI Contract Instructor?
If you are interested in becoming a contract instructor for one or more Emergency Management Institute (EMI) courses, please review the following information.
Advanced Professional Series (APS)
Due to recent inquiries, EMI is providing the following reminder about the Advanced Professional Series. Since January 1, 2019, the EMI Superintendent no longer signs Advanced Professional Series (APS) certificates. The APS program, which utilizes EMI developed courses, continues to do so, and EMI continues to maintain the courses; however, the responsibility for issuing the APS certificates has been turned over to the state emergency management agencies.
EMI Course Accreditation
Accreditation of courses for continuing education units (CEUs) connects professional training with an individual’s requirements to maintain professional memberships, certification, or licensing. EMI has been a member of the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) since 1991. Under IACET, course curriculum, policies, and processes are reviewed and benchmarked against the ANSI/IACET Standard for Continuing Education and Training. As an Accredited Provider, EMI can provide accredited CEUs to individuals who have completed our training courses.
In Honor of Earth Month, FEMA Helps Communities Prepare for Climate-Related Hazards and Disasters
Each Earth Day, the Nation comes together to recognize the need for continued commitment to building a safe and sustainable planet. Throughout April, FEMA worked with partners across the Nation to recognize the effects of a changing climate and identify how communities can build resilience to withstand the risks of today, and those anticipated in the future.
Have a change request for the Training Officers’/Training Managers’ Contact List?
From time to time, there are changes to staffing within the state, tribal, or territorial emergency management organizations, and the contact list needs to be updated. When these changes occur, it is important to both the organization and EMI to have the contact list up to date.
2024 National Preparedness Symposium, Hosted by the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP)
Monday, May 6, 2024, through Friday, May 10, 2024, FEMA’s CDP will host the 2024 National Preparedness Symposium on their campus in Anniston, Alabama. The symposium aims to bring together professionals in the field of emergency preparedness and response to discuss and address issues related to national preparedness. This year’s theme is “Collaborative Preparedness and Resilience: Bridging Gaps Across Jurisdictional Boundaries.”
Celebrating the Inaugural Graduates of the Planning Practitioner Program (PPP)
In the dynamic landscape of emergency management, the ability to effectively plan and respond to ever-evolving risks and hazards is increasingly difficult. Recognizing this critical need, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Emergency Management Institute (EMI) introduced the Planning Practitioner Program (PPP), a comprehensive training initiative designed to enhance the capabilities of emergency management planning professionals. Today, we are excited to spotlight the very first cohort of graduates from the PPP.
26th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education (HiEd) Symposium
The 26th Higher Education Symposium theme, “Pioneering Ideas and Practices in Emergency Management Higher Education: Building More Resilient Communities,” is a focal point for an event that celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Higher Education Program. This theme encapsulates the core mission and objectives of FEMA’s Higher Education Program, emphasizing innovation, education, and community resilience.