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ISP Courses


Course Code Course Title CEUs
Course has foreign language equivalent
Introduction to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas - (3/20/2020) 0.1
IS-545.a Reconstitution Planning Course - (2/13/2024) 0.5
IS-551 Devolution Planning - (10/22/2010) 0.2
IS-552 The Public Works Role in Emergency Management - (10/2/2015) 0.2
IS-553.a Coordination between Water Utilities and Emergency Management Agencies - (10/27/2021) 0.1
Course has foreign language equivalent
Emergency Planning for Public Works - (10/31/2013) 0.3
IS-556 Damage Assessment for Public Works - (10/31/2013) 0.3
Course has foreign language equivalent
Public Works and Disaster Recovery - (10/31/2013) 0.3
IS-559 Local Damage Assessment - (10/31/2013) 0.2
IS-632.a Introduction to Debris Operations - (10/31/2013) 0.2
Course has foreign language equivalent
Debris Management Plan Development - (4/6/2017) 0.6
IS-650.b Building Partnerships with Tribal Governments - (11/2/2018) 0.2
Course has foreign language equivalent
Introduction to Public-Private Partnerships - (12/20/2011) 0.2
IS-662 Improving Preparedness and Resilience through Public-Private Partnerships - (10/31/2013) 0.2
Course has foreign language equivalent
An Introduction to the National Incident Management System - (6/25/2018) 0.4

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