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At the Forefront of Crisis Leadership

Today’s executive leaders face a level of complexity, interconnectivity, uncertainty, and volatility far beyond anything seen before. Leading in this environment requires integrative thinking, advanced problem solving, predictive analysis, and coordinated communication spanning all levels of the government, the private sector, policymakers, practitioners, and communities.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Disaster and Emergency Management University (NDEMU) Vanguard Executive Crisis Leaders Fellowship is a two-week, senior-level leadership program focused on disruptive changes in emergency management and crisis leadership. Through a series of focused discussions with top experts and peers, participants will engage in seminars, site visits with crisis leadership experts, and roundtable sessions to discuss and debate the challenges we share as crisis leaders and move the needle towards improving personal and collective preparedness.

Who Should Apply

The Vanguard Executive Crisis Leaders Fellowship is designed for senior executives and proven crisis leaders with 15+ years of crisis leadership or emergency management experience from government, academia, non-governmental, philanthropic, and private sectors. Ideal candidates are executive level leaders responsible for operational and strategic decision-making in crisis OR individuals with experience leading organizations through novel crisis events.

Selectees include, but are not limited to:

  • Emergency management and homeland security directors or advisors leading in local, state, multijurisdictional, or large metropolitan areas
  • Emergency management leaders from allied disciplines in the public sector, such as public utilities, public transportation, and military roles
  • Private Sector leaders with experience in crisis leadership
  • PhD academics, professors, or researchers
  • Elected Officials
  • Members of the Governor's Cabinet or chief/director of an agency
  • Federal administrators at the Appointed or Senior Executive Service (SES)
  • Directors of voluntary, community-based, non-profit, or philanthropic organizations
  • Individuals with experience leading through novel crisis events

Program Objectives

Through a series of roundtable seminars, site visits, and expert-level exchanges, participants will:

  • Examine risk and disruptive changes in emergency management, and the leadership challenges and values conflicts that result
  • Explore and share theoretical frameworks for leading and managing crises
  • Brainstorm innovative strategies to strengthen emergency and crisis management
  • Share crisis leadership stories and lessons learned, helping to build and grow thought leadership within the profession.
  • Build a purposeful network with trusted executive-level crisis leaders in government, academia, private, and non-governmental sectors

Program Schedule

Each cohort begins with a 2-hour virtual welcome session.

Week One will be held at a rotating, offsite location to allow each cohort a unique opportunity to meet with experts across the country and discuss disruptive threats and unique challenges of the major cities and localities visited.

Week Two is hosted in Washington, D.C. and includes visits with the White House National Security Council, Congressional staff and elected officials, and Department of Homeland Security and FEMA leadership, among others.

2025 Vanguard Fellowship Dates
Cohort Virtual Intro Week One Virtual Session Week Two
Cohort 9 TBD Jan 27-31, 2025 Los Angeles, CA TBD Feb 24-28, 2025 Washington, DC
Cohort 10 TBD Mar 10-14, 2025 New Orleans, LA TBD Apr 28-May 2, 2025 Washington, DC
Cohort 11 TBD Jun 23-27, 2025 Philadelphia, PA TBD Jul 21-25, 2025 Washington, DC

Vanguard Selection Process

Applicants that wish to apply for the CY 2025 Vanguard cohorts should submit their application by October 15, 2024. A formal selection board will convene to review the application packages; selectees will be notified by early December.

Applications will be evaluated based on the depth and breadth of direct experience leading through crisis or in an executive-level emergency management position.

To ensure a diversity of participation, the program takes a hybrid approach to filling each cohort, accepting applications, alumni recommendations, and direct recruitment of proven crisis leaders. Applicants are encouraged to review all selection and application requirements before submitting their application package.

How to Apply

  1. Verify Qualification

  2. Email Application & Supporting Information

    To apply, please e-mail the following to

    • Your resume

      Your resume must be password protected

    • Link to your bio

      In the body of the e-mail, please provide a link to your public facing bio.

    • Cohort preference

      In the body of the e-mail, please rank the cohorts for which you are applying (1 = first choice, 2 = second, 3= third). Please only select cohorts for which you are available in their entirety.

    • Submit application

      Submit the completed package to by October 15, 2024.

      Submit Application & Supporting Info

    • Send password

      Once submitted, send a second e-mail with the password to your resume in the body of the e-mail.

  3. Application Complete

    After the application deadline, FEMA NDEMU will convene a panel to adjudicate applications. Selectees will be notified by December.

Tuition and Travel Reimbursement

There is no cost of tuition for the Vanguard Executive Crisis Leaders Fellowship.

Individuals participating in the National Disaster and Emergency Management University Vanguard program may be eligible for up to 50% travel reimbursement (airfare, hotel, meal per diem) with the home organization covering the remaining 50%.

Those groups typically eligible for partial reimbursement include state, local or tribal government representatives; recognized volunteer organization representatives; or active emergency management organization representatives.

We cannot reimburse federal government, private sector, representatives of a foreign organization, or contract employees. For information on organizations falling outside of the categories listed above, please e-mail

Eligible for stipend reimbursement

  • State, local or tribal government representatives.
  • Recognized volunteer organization representatives.
  • Active emergency management organization representatives.
  • Representatives from state or local fire organizations

Not eligible for reimbursement

  • Federal government. (Federal students are subject to federal travel regulations and travel under orders prepared by their office.)
  • Private industry employees.
  • Employees who are contracted to federal, state, or local government entities (such as rural-metro departments).
  • Representatives of a foreign organization.

Fellowship Alumni

The Vanguard Alumni network represents some of the most influential and experienced minds in emergency management and crisis leadership today. Our alumni network exists to serve one purpose: to ensure that our Nation’s crisis leaders can access the information and relationships needed to innovate, prepare, and respond.

Further Information

For further inquiries please contact the Vanguard program:

Contact Vanguard Program

An official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security