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IS-315.A: CERT and the Incident Command System (ICS)

Course Date


Course Overview

This Independent Study (IS) course introduces you to the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) relationship to the Incident Command System (ICS), a proven management system used by emergency managers to help maintain the safety of disaster workers, provide clear leadership and organizational structure, and improve the effectiveness of rescue efforts. This program educates any Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program manager, CERT trainer, or emergency responder who may manage and/or coordinate with a CERT about the CERT’s potential roles in a disaster or emergency situation.

The course includes four instructional lessons:

Lesson 1: ICS Review, briefly summarizes the components and principles of the Incident Command System.

Lesson 2: CERT as Part of ICS, describes CERT general operations roles with the ICS level. It also discusses ways to integrate CERT programs into your response framework.

Lesson 3: Working with Volunteers, focuses on effective volunteer utilization, best practices for managing volunteers, how VOADs (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) differ from CERTs, and how to effectively integrate spontaneous volunteers.

Lesson 4: CERT ICS Communications, discusses how you, as a CERT sponsor or emergency responder, can define and implement effective communication processes with the CERT. This lesson also explains why NIMS (National Incident Management System) terminology is used by all agencies involved in a disaster and how best to communicate with the media.

Course Objectives:

  • List the principles of ICS.
  • Identify components of ICS.
  • Identify CERT general operations within the ICS level.
  • Determine how to integrate CERT programs into the response framework for an area.
  • Identify volunteer motivations.
  • List (at least) three (3) ways to utilize volunteers effectively.
  • Describe special considerations for managing/directing volunteers.
  • Define VOADs and their application.
  • Identify means of interacting with VOADs.
  • Identify means to effectively integrate spontaneous volunteers.
  • Describe effective communication skills and techniques for CERT/ICS communications.
  • Identify how to best communicate with public, media, and responders/emergency management.

Primary Audience

CERT Members


IS-100: The Incident Command System and IS-317: Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams (CERTs).



Course Length:

2 hours
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Final Exam
  • Test questions are scrambled to protect test integrity
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