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IS-556: Damage Assessment for Public Works

Course Date


Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to build local capacity for damage assessment by enabling the development or refinement of a damage assessment program for the public works agency.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain basic concepts related to damage assessment
  • Use risk and vulnerability assessment information for public works damage assessment planning
  • Explain how public works is involved in planning the damage assessment program for both the community and the agency
  • Use training and exercises to enhance the damage assessment program
  • Describe basic operations of local damage assessment
  • Analyze damage assessment after-action information

Primary Audience

Public works professionals, urban planners, local government officials, elected officials


Strongly suggest students take IS-552, The Public Works Role in Emergency Management prior to taking this course

NOTE: IS-552 is undergoing revisions and will be unavailable until the revisions are complete.



Course Length:

3 hours
Take This Course
Final Exam
  • Test questions are scrambled to protect test integrity
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