National Incident Management System and Incident Command System Webinar

On Sept. 24, FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute will host a webinar on National Incident Management System (NIMS) core and position specific course updates for the Incident Command System.
This webinar will feature stories detailing Incident Command System practitioner and instructor experiences, as well as updates on the status and direction of ongoing projects for both curricula.
This webinar will feature stories detailing Incident Command System practitioner and instructor experiences, as well as updates on the status and direction of ongoing projects for both curricula.
You can choose between two webinar times:
Session 1: 11 a.m. ET
Via Zoom
- Meeting ID: 160 984 6855
- Passcode: 107780
Session 2: 3 p.m. ET
Via Zoom
- Meeting ID: 161 417 5054
- Passcode: 958682
The webinar will feature a panel of practitioners and instructors from across the NIMS Incident Command System core and position specific curricula. Moderators will guide a facilitated discussion based on pre-submitted questions.
Visit FEMA.gov for Incident Command System resources and training.FEMA.gov for course information about the Incident Command System.