Transcripts for Resident/Off-Site Resident Courses (E, L, K, V codes)
Upon written request from the student, the NETC Office of Admissions will provide transcripts to students and educational institutions at no cost to the student. Please include the following information in your request:
- Name
- Mailing address
- Telephone number
- FEMA Student Identification Number (SID)
- Email address
- Day and Month of Birth (if training was completed prior to 2012)
Mail, fax or email your request to:
National Emergency Training Center
Admissions Office
16825 South Seton Ave.
Emmitsburg, MD 21727-8998
Fax: 301-447-1441
Transcripts for Independent Study Courses (IS code)
Upon receipt of a Transcript Request Form from the student, the Independent Study Office will email a transcript of Independent Study course completions to the student, and send by postal mail to requested institutions. Download the IS transcript request form EMI Student Portal (ESP).