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Collaboration, Connection, and Commitment to 2-Year Programs

Lead: Diana Culp

Brief Description

The group will serve as an advocate between 2-year colleges nationwide and EMI, support the collaboration and connections between institution program leads, and advance knowledge dissemination.


Increase the exchange of knowledge and broaden and deepen the areas of study and understanding of practice among two-year emergency management institutions.

Next Steps: Objectives, Projects, or Activities

This SIG has presented material at the Annual HiEd Symposium since 2016 including:

  1. Research materials on programs by Drs. Cwiak and Bennett.
  2. Identifying appropriate program outcomes.
  3. 3 level review of 10 core courses with 100 and 200 level differentiation scheme.
  4. Webinar on engaging critical influencers with Dr. S McIntire.
  5. Resource list for instructors of courses in 2-year programs.
  6. Career Building Job Aid for students.

SIG Lead

Diana Culp
Mid-Atlantic Center for Emergency Management

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