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Developer Resources

EMI requirements and resources for the development of Distance Learning and Resident courses

Course Development

The successful development of Independent Study and Resident courses for EMI will require following our development workflow, including careful attention to the details of our chosen instructional model, using only our new Learning Content Management System, and inclusive product design following section 508 compliance.

Following this guide, you will discover how to develop courses for EMI using the new dominKnow LCMS, our developments standards, templates, and some tips & tricks to help meet the requirements that entail completing a successful course development.

Begin with this short video introduction to the dominKnow LCMS:

Development Requirements

Development of courses for EMI must successfully meet all requirements for Distance Learning and Resident course standards. This begins with completing the LCMS training. The LCMS must be used as the primary authoring tool to create the course materials. Additional tools to develop assets (videos, graphics, audio, etc.) may also be used.

All final course materials must meet the requirements in the checklist below (and further throughout this page).

  • Course Development in the LCMS

    To gain access to the LCMS, all authors/developers must complete the required training. Course Manager must have received project package approval prior to developers gaining access.

  • Follow the Course Development Workflow

    All course development will follow EMI's Course Development Workflow and must pass all reviews prior to completion

  • Meet all LCMS requirements

  • Meet all 508 standards

  • Comply with copyright policy

  • Meet all examination standards

Development Workflow

The ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) framework will be used when developing materials for EMI. The Course Development workflow is intended to provide a high level overview of the course development process and access requirements in the LCMS. The workflow intentionally excludes all steps of the ADDIE process and instead, focusses on the EMI reviews.

Follow the steps below for a detailed explanation of the workflow.

  1. Course Manager Submits Project

    Course manager provides Developer and Reviewer Information to Curriculum Standards and Instructional Technology (CSIT) Branch along with other project documentation. Project approved to move forward.

    Required information includes:

    • Project timeline (or POP)
    • Developer information
    • Reviewer information
    • Approved project package
  2. Development

    Developers must complete the required LCMS training before CSIT will provide access to the LCMS

    • CSIT provides developer access
    • Developer begins course creation using the approved LCMS only
  3. Subject Matter Expert (SME) Review

    It is typical for the SME review process to last 10 business days

    • Course may be open to SMEs for review and comments
    • SMEs are not required to complete LCMS training
    • Reviewer Job Aid is available for guidance on completing reviews
    • Adjust project management plans to include SME reviews
  4. EMI Technical Review

    Completed by CSIT branch after receving notification that development is complete. Allow 10 business days for each review to complete

    • Once course is fully developed, course manager notifies CSIT that course is ready for technical review
    • Review is intended to confirm that the course meets all LCMS Requirements
    • CSIT will complete reviews within 10 business days of receiving notification
    • During the Technical Review, CSIT will also confirm that all course materials are included, match, and are ready. Materials include but are not limited to: Plan of Instruction, Test Bank, Course Mapping Tool, Handouts, etc.
    • Adjust project management plans to include time for technical reviews (including multiple iterations)
  5. 508 Review

    The final 508 review will be conducted by CSIT branch after the previous reviews have completed. Allow 10 business days for each 508 review to complete

    • Course is expected to be reviewed by developer prior to this review
    • Course manager shall submit for review once course meets EMI Technical Review
    • Developers may be required to make changes depending on findings
    • Multiple reviews may be required
    • Adjust project management plans to include time for Section 508 reviews
  6. Production (Complete)

    After a course has passed all reviews, the course will be set to production and the final (exported) materials will be placed in the Curriculum Delivery Section of the ESW (Instructor Led Course) or on the live website (Independent Study Course).


Course development workflow includes both required and suggested training. Developers must register, and complete the required training below before access is granted. Reviewers may read through job aid listed below.

Both registration requests for developers, and for limited reviewer access, must be sent to Developers must indicate who would like to begin training (individuals or groups are acceptable), and the planned dates to work on the course. Course Managers must submit a request for limited reviewer access and include the names, email addresses, course/project, and review dates necessary for access.

User Agreement forms must be completed by all users (developers and reviewers) prior to gaining access to the system. Please have the individual(s) who needs access fill out the appropriate form and include the completed form in your registration request.

User Agreement Forms

  • LCMS Developer Training Course

    • Complete Registration

    • Audience

      Individuals who will be creating EMI training materials

    • Course Methodology

      Complete Independently

    • Course Length

      About 6 hours

    • Course Materials

      The full course including all activities may be accessed below. You may review the materials prior to registering; however, to complete the activities and gain access to the system you must first register

    • Completion

      All information can be found in the LCMS Student Manual and Activities below. The training includes 2 graded practice sections. Once you complete both activities, please send a message to to let us know that you have completed the training

  • Reviewer Job Aid

    • Audience

      Individuals who will be viewing training developed by someone else and adding comments/suggestions

    • Course Methodology

      Complete Independently

    • Purpose

      This suggested job aid includes step-by-step directions for accessing courses for review and submitting comments

LCMS Requirements

The development workflow must meet all of the LCMS Requirements listed below, before approval will be given

Follow the LCMS Requirements listed in each section below. Alternatively, you may use this ready reference guide of the LCSM requirements

1.1 - Use a Module for Units and Lessons

General Information: The LCMS breaks projects down by:

  • Course
    • Module
      • Learning Object
        • Pages
        • Test Questions (section)

One or more of each may fall directly under the parent object as identified in the list above.

Requirement: Use a single "Module" for each Unit and/or Lesson in your course.

1.2 - Use a Separate Learning Object for Content Related to Single Course Objective

Requirement: Each module (Unit/Lesson) may have multiple Learning Objects under it. Place all content related to a single Enabling Objective within a single Learning Object. You may use separate Learning Objects for content that is not related to a specific course objective. For example, you will have a separate if your lesson has 3 enabling objectives, you will have 5 learning objects:

  • Lesson Intro Content
  • Enabling Objective 1 Content
  • Enabling Objective 2 Content
  • Enabling Objective 3 Content
  • Lesson Summary Content


Learning Objects may be shared with other courses. By separating content as mentioned in the requirement, it will make it easy to find and reuse all content related to a single objective.

2.1 - Required Screens

Requirement: The following screens are required in all courses:

  • Course Introduction
  • Lesson Introductions (for each lesson)
  • Lesson Summaries (for each lesson)
  • Course Summary

2.2 - Required Content

Requirement: The following content must be included within your course content:

  • Course Objectives – Included at the beginning and end of the course.
  • Lesson Objectives – Included at the beginning and end of each lesson.
  • Course and Lesson Expected Completion Time – Included at beginning of course and lessons.

2.3 - Course Must Use One of Specific Themes

Requirement: Courses must use of the Themes included below. Each theme may be better for one thing or another as mentioned below:

  • FEMA – ILT Theme: Best for student/instructor manual style training.
  • FEMA Web Theme: Best for asynchronous delivery

2.4 - Hero Image Should Not Be Used in Instructor Led Courses

Requirement: Since the hero image replaces the blue background on the first page, it must NOT be used.

2.5 - Course Verified Working in Full Preview

Requirement: Student must be able to access all required content. If a theme is being used that doesn't include navigation, you must add all required navigation to the course pages.

2.6 - Notes in Instructor Led Courses Must Use Appropriate Icons

Requirement: All notes (Instructor & Student), Activities, etc. Should use the Callout Box element.

The icon used depends on the type of note. Use the table below:
Type of Note Icon Name Icon
Instructor Note User
Student Note Book
Discussion Question Question
Activity Users
Handout File Outiled
Train the Trainer Graduation Cap
Video Video Camera

3.1 - Videos in MP4 Format

Requirement: All videos must be in .mp4 format.

3.2 - Videos include captions as VTT

Requirement: Videos must all include caption as separate .vtt file. Caption must be added to the media object.

3.3 - Audio in MP3 Format

Requirement: All audio must be in MP3 Format

4.1 - All Course Specific Content Must Be Added to LCMS

Requirement:Any document or content created for the specific course must be loaded into the LCMS as an asset and referenced within the course. Example: If a PDF is created outside of the LCMS specifically for use within the course being developed, it should be loaded and added as a course resource.
Reasoning: The LCMS is intended to function as a central repository for all course content/developmental materials. This ensures easy maintenance during revisions and allows course developers to access content from a single shared (LCMS) repository.

4.2 - All Applicable Terms Have Glossary Links

Requirement: Glossary links have been created for each applicable term. These are terms that are related to course objectives and/or integral to the course.

4.3 - Description Metadata

Requirement: Description Metadata must be filled out.

4.4 - Collection Selected

Requirement: Collection must be set. Normally this will be "Instructor Led" or "Web" depending on the type of course.

4.5 - Branch Selected

Requirement: Course branch must be selected.

4.6 - Mission Area Selected

Requirement: Mission Area (Primary) must be selected.

5.1 - Pass Mark Set to 75%

Requirement: The course pass mark must be set to 75%.

5.2 - Objectives Selected for Each Learning Object

Requirement: Each learning object (part of the hierarchy) that addresses an objective must have the enabling objective selected. Prior to this being possible, an admin will need to enter the objectives into the system. If they are unavailable, contact an admin.

5.3 - Knowledge Checks (Ungraded) added as Practice Questions

Requirement: When questions are added to a course, ensure that they are added as "a practice question".

6.1 - All Reviewer Notes Have Been Addressed

Requirement: All reviewer notes have been reviewed. Status should be changed to something other than Open or In-Progress.

6.2 - Course has been reviewed (by you and your team) for 508 and meets 508 requirements.

Requirement: Course materials must meet 508 requirements. Your team should ensure that the materials meet requirements prior to submitting to EMI.

Individual high level 508 items to review can be found under the Accessibility checklist. The course must meet standards posted on DevRes.

7.1 - Course Developed in LCMS

Requirement: The course must be developed in the LCMS. Other software may be used to create videos or images, but generally all individual interactions should be developed in the LCMS.

7.2 - All Pages Committed

Requirement: Each page must be committed once it is complete. Use the "Commit" button at the bottom right of each page. Committing is used to create a version of a page. Pages may be committed at various stages, but must be all committed prior to submitting the draft course for review. Commit comments may be left blank

508 Technical Standards

During course development in the LCMS, 508 compliance must always be kept in mind. All courses created in the LCMS (including Instructor Led) will be exported out as HTML materials. Developers must therefore ensure all content created in the LCMS meets Web standards.

Any documents (PDF, Word, etc.) added to a course must meet guidelines and standards for that specific document type. Refer to the guidance below

All deliverables submitted to EMI must be accompanied by a section 508 compliance letter.

Becoming a DHS Trusted Tester is not a requirement to develop courses in the EMI Learning Content Management System (LCMS).

If you would like to become a 508 trusted tester, create an account and begin training on the DHS OAST Training Resource Portal.

Completing FEMA Section 508 Documents Training is beneficial in meeting the requirements for document Section 508 compliance. If you cannot access the FEMA intranet, download and complete the enrollment form, and email the completed form to the FEMA SECTION 508 Helpdesk

If you have access to the FEMA Intranet, go to Accessibility > Section 508 Training Calendar.

FEMA offers the following Section 508 Documents Training:

PPT and Word Webinar
Webinars Training Length Webinar Descriptions
Creating Accessible Microsoft and PowerPoint Presentations

Note: The PPT and Word webinars are combined into One Session

2.0 Hours This webinar provides information on how to author and how to check a PowerPoint Presentation and an MS Word document for acceptance as well as how to utilize the PPT and MS Word Accessibility Tools to address Common Accessibility Issues requires for compliance.

For the following series, participants must have the full version of Adobe Acrobat DC Pro. The Adobe reader will not suffice. If you are a FEMA employee or Contractor, contact the IT Service Helpdesk for assistance (888-457-3362).

Targeted PDF Webinar Series 1-9
Webinars Training Length Webinar Descriptions
Series #1: Introduction to PDF Accessibility 2.0 Hours This webinar provides an overview of the Accessibility Tools available within Adobe Acrobat DC Pro to review and remediate a PDF document for accessibility.
Series #2: The Tags and Content Panels 2.0 Hours This webinar provides information on how to utilize the Tags and Content Panels with Adobe Acrobat DC Pro that allows users to view and edit tags in the logical structure tree, or Tags tree, and provides a hierarchical view of objects that make up a PDF document.
Series #3: Headings, Links, and Section Language 2.0 Hours This webinar focuses specifically on the remediation of headings, links, and section language in PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.
Series #4: Images/Objects 2.0 Hours This webinar focuses specifically on the remediation of images/objects in PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.
Series #5: Lists 2.0 Hours This webinar focuses specifically on the remediation of lists in PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.
Series #6: Data Tables 2.0 Hours This webinar focuses specifically on the remediation of data tables in PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat DC Pro.
Series #7: Fillable Forms 2.0 Hours This webinar focuses specifically on the remediation of fillable forms in PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.
Series #8: Scanned Pages 2.0 Hours This webinar focuses specifically on the remediation of scanned pages in PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.
Series #9: Colors, Sensory Characteristics, and Accessible Media 2.0 Hours This webinar focuses specifically on the remediation of colors, sensory characteristics, and accessible media in PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.

What is Descriptive Text?

Descriptive text is a textual substitute for non-text content in web pages and documents. Assistive Technology uses descriptive text to describe the image to the user.

Types of descriptive text include:

  1. Alternate Text (less than 250 characters, including spaces)
  2. Captions (less than 250 characters)
  3. Text on the page or described within the content
  4. An Appendix (greater than 250 characters)

NOTE: For images in the LCMS with alt text greater than 150 characters, a link will be created to another element containing the alternate text.

Why is Providing Descriptive Text Necessary?

Images and graphics make content more pleasant and easier to understand for many people, and in particular for those with cognitive and learning disabilities. They serve as cues that are used by people with visual impairments, including people with low vision, to orient themselves in the content.
Accessible images are beneficial in many situations, such as:

  • People using screen readers: The text alternative can be read aloud or rendered as Braille
  • People using speech input software: Users can put the focus onto a button or linked image with a single voice command
  • People browsing speech-enabled websites: The text alternative can be read aloud
  • Mobile web users: Images can be turned off, especially for data-roaming
  • Search engine optimization: Images become indexable by search engines
How to Decide Whether an Image is "Decorative"

Images that don't add anything to the document are considered "decorative".

A "decorative" image is one that:

  • does not present important content
  • is used for layout or non-informative purposes
  • does not have a function
NOTE: Do not describe decorative images such as connecting lines; the lines around text boxes, template decorations, etc.
How to Decide Whether an Image is "Purposeful"

Figures that are important will enhance the content and are considered "purposeful". Give the purpose and/or function of the image within the context of the surrounding information. Avoid putting redundant and/or irrelevant information into the alternate text.

A "purposeful" image is one that is directly related to the content and is important to understand the content on the page.

DO NOT: Use "image of" or "picture of" when creating descriptive text. The purpose of descriptive text is to alert the user of assistive technology, that an image exists and the meaning of an image.

NOTE: Many applications now offer the option to auto generate alternate text. However, the alternate text isn't always accurate. If this option is selected, creators of documents are required to verify their accuracy.

Examples of Purposeful Images
  • Informative images: Images that graphically represent concepts and information, typically pictures, photos, and illustrations. The text alternative should be at least a short description conveying the essential information presented by the image.
  • Functional images: The text alternative of an image used as a link or as a button should describe the functionality of the link or button rather than the visual image. Examples of such images are a printer icon to represent the print function or a button to submit a form.
  • Images of text: Readable text is sometimes presented within an image. If the image is not a logo, avoid text in images. However, if images of text are used, the text alternative should contain the same words as in the image.
  • Complex images such as graphs, diagrams, maps, flow charts, organizational charts: To convey data or detailed information, provide a complete text equivalent of the data or information provided in the image as the text alternative.
  • Groups of images: If multiple images convey a single piece of information, the text alternative for one image should convey the information for the entire group. Another option: Group the images, save as a single image, and provide a single alternate text.
  • Image maps: The text alternative for an image that contains multiple clickable areas should provide an overall context for the set of links. Also, each individually clickable area should have alternative text that describes the purpose or destination of the link.
  • Images of tables are prohibited.
  • Logos, seals, or signatures: Provide the full alt text of the logo, seal, or signature. EXAMPLE: US Department of Homeland Security seal, Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) signature

NOTE: Use the built-in feature of the application mark decorative images as "decorative.”

Alternate Text Decision Tree (full text description on the page)

Object, (Image, Graphs, Maps, Images of Text)

Related to content?

Yes, is purposeful:

  • Add alt text: Tell the story of the image!
  • Alt-texts should be:
    • Logical: Accurately represent the image
    • Concise: Short and succinct
    • Descriptive: Tell the story of the image
    • Pertinent to the purpose: Represent purpose and function

No, is decorative:

  • Mark as decorative

Yes, is purposeful:

  • Add alt text: Tell the story of the image!
  • Alt-texts should be:
    • Logical: Accurately represent the image
    • Concise: Short and succinct
    • Descriptive: Tell the story of the image
    • Pertinent to the purpose: Represent purpose and function

No, is decorative:

  • Mark as decorative

Examination Standards

The following standards apply to all test banks created for EMI including Instructor Led Training and Independent Study courses.

The developer shall develop pre- and post-course assessments for all courses consisting of 12 or more contact hours (which equates to roughly two-full days of classroom instruction). Online courses do not require pre-course assessments. The pre- and post-course assessments shall follow the requirements outlined below in either Knowledge Examination and/or Skills Assessment.

The contractor/developer shall develop a test bank of questions for the course that support assessment of mastery of course objectives. Minimum passing grade for a knowledge examination is 75%

  • The test bank must have a minimum of 10 test items (questions)
  • The test bank must contain at least four test items per enabling objective
  • True/False and Yes/No test items may not be used.
  • "All of the above" or "None of the Above" distractors may not be used
  • The test bank must be created using the Excel Template provided. All applicable fields must be filled out. No other format will be accepted

  • Minimum passing grade for a skill assessment is 75%
  • Each Student Activity within the course will be graded to assess the student’s mastery of skills in accordance with the course enabling objectives
  • Skill assessments must, at minimum, assess all steps of the skill/task to be gained as a result of training
  • Skill assessments shall utilize an objective evaluation guide, or rubric, to evaluate student mastery of the skill
    • An example rubric can be provided by the COR
  • The Skill Assessment shall be contained in the IG

EMI uses a proprietary system for administering the final exam. As such, there are specific requirements that must be followed before a final exam will be accepted. All final exam submissions will be posted on two independent systems; the capability of these systems in terms of administering the final exam are described below

  • The test bank must have a minimum of 10 test items (questions)EMI eLearning – randomly displays a specified number of questions from the total number of questions provided for the question bank. Developer must let us know how many questions per objective should be displayed (minimum of 2)
  • FEMA Employee Knowledge Center (FEKC) – Displays ALL provided questions (no randomization and no question subset). If only a subset of questions should be provided, mark the FEKC column "True" in the template

Additional Resources

Additional resources for required documents, FEMA media materials, and core requirements can be found below:

FEMA provides a searchable Media Library including materials available for use, unless otherwise indicated.

Use of the FEMA Media Library is strongly encouraged. Attribution should be made to FEMA, or as FEMA News Photo.

FEMA Media Libary

Contact Information

For further information, or questions regarding LCMS development, please contact the LCMS team.

Contact LCMS Team

An official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security