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IS-244.B: Developing and Managing Volunteers

Course Date


Course Overview

The goal of this course is to strengthen abilities to prepare for and manage volunteers before, during, and after a severe emergency or major disaster. This course will:

  • Provide strategies for identifying, recruiting, assigning, training, supervising, and motivating volunteers.
  • Include discussion of spontaneous volunteers as well as those affiliated with community-based, faith-based, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).

Course Objectives:

At the completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Identify situations in which volunteers can be a useful addition to response and recovery operations.
  • Define skill and knowledge requirements for volunteers.
  • Develop a volunteer program that includes strategies for recruiting and managing volunteers within the whole community.
  • Develop a plan for setting up a Volunteer Reception Center.
  • Identify special issues involving the use of volunteers.

Primary Audience

This course is for emergency managers and related professionals working with all types of volunteers and coordinating with voluntary agencies.





Course Length:

4 hours
Take This Course
Final Exam
  • Test questions are scrambled to protect test integrity
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