The History and Impact of IEM Branch Programs

As part of EMI’s 70th Anniversary celebration, the Integrated Emergency Management Branch will host an e-Forum on the history and impact of IEM Branch programs. The event will take place on November 30, 2021 from 3-4pm EST utilizing the Adobe Connect platform EMI E-Forum link.
The e-Forum will cover:
- The history and impact of IEM Branch programs
- Current IEM Branch training programs and opportunities, including:
- Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC)
- Virtual Tabletop Exercises (VTTX)
- National Standard Exercise Curriculum and Master Exercise Practitioner Program
- Planning Practitioner Program
- A period of Q&A with IEM Branch course managers
FEMA’s EMI hosts a series of e-Forums entitled, “One Link, One Bridge, Many Voices.” E-Forums are 1-hour, moderated webinar discussions that provide an opportunity for EMI and the emergency management community to discuss matters of interest on national preparedness training.
Please use the EMI E-Forum link (https://fema.connectsolutions.com/emieforums) to join us.