An Historical Study of the Disaster at Gettysburg

As part of its 70th Anniversary celebration, EMI will host an e-Forum overview of a new unit in the Executive Academy: an historical study of the Disaster at Gettysburg on Wednesday, October 13 at 3 p.m. Each day of the Civil War battle that took place in 1863 is framed within the context of an evolving disaster, and includes a virtual guided tour narrated by a licensed battlefield guide.
FEMA’s EMI hosts a series of e-Forums entitled, “One Link, One Bridge, Many Voices.” E-Forums are 1-hour, moderated webinar discussions that provide an opportunity for EMI and the emergency management community to discuss matters of interest on national preparedness training.
The session is facilitated by panel members, Dr. Kelly Garrett, the Director of the Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP), and Ms. Jinnie Lettkeman, the Executive Academy Program Manager.
Disaster at Gettysburg (Mission Critical Leadership) – Within the profession of emergency management, successful executives must master the leadership skills necessary to guide the work of their agency and garner the support of their peers. Emergency management is a unique profession because while emergency managers are expected to be leaders during emergencies, many of these responsibilities come without formal powers or authorities. Many emergency management agencies have very few resources under their direct control. As a result, an emergency manager’s primary role is to coordinate the response and recovery effort. To effectively coordinate resources, an emergency manager needs to understand how to collaborate with coworkers, other agencies, other jurisdictions, and many different public and private stakeholders. Collaboration is to work with someone to produce or create something. This defines much of every emergency manager’s role before, during, and after emergencies.
Please use the EMI E-Forum link (https://fema.connectsolutions.com/emieforums) to join us.