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National Standard Exercise Curriculum

Unified curricula in exercise program management, design, development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning

A national standardized exercise curriculum

The National Standard Exercise Curriculum (NSEC) is a series of courses, from awareness to professional level. It is designed to unify curricula in exercise program management, design, development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning across the country. The NSEC strategy involves providing guidance to Federal, State, tribal, and local jurisdictions and the private sector concerning the exercise training curricula, workshops, and briefings. The goal of NSEC is to create a national standardized exercise curriculum and to provide additional exercise training and reinforcement guidance to stakeholders as needed. The foundation for NSEC is the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).

The NSEC curricula includes courses for various levels of exercise professionals, from exercise beginners to experienced practitioners. The target audience of most courses are the Exercise Planning Team Leaders and Exercise Program Managers, however there are also several courses available for Exercise Planning Team Members, Controllers/Facilitators, Evaluators, and Senior Officials.

For more information about the National Standard Exercise Curriculum (NSEC), contact

Professional level NSEC curriculum include:

  • E0132, E0133 and K0136
  • Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEPP)

NCES Professional

Advanced level NSEC curriculum include:

  • K0051 Exercise Program Management
  • E/L/K0139 Exercise Design and Development
  • E/L0050 Exercise Control and Simulation
  • E/L0131 Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Planning

NCES Advanced

Intermediate level NSEC curriculum include:

  • K/L0146 Homeland Security Exercise and
  • Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

NCES Intermediate

Awarness/Beginner level NSEC curriculum include:

  • IS-120 Introduction to Exercises
  • IS-130 How to be an Exercise Evaluator

NCES Awarness/Beginner

An official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security