Career Paths for Emergency Managers & Specialized Communities
The shift towards the NDEMU involves moving from a technical training focus toward a traditional university structure to be comprised of three specialized schools supporting different emergency management career paths and specialized communities: the Emergency Management Institute; School of Disaster Leadership; and School of National Resilience.
FEMA and NDEMU encourage every segment of our society, from individual to government, industry to philanthropy, to be empowered with the information needed to prepare for the inevitable impacts of future disasters. Through the NDEMU schools we strive to build emergency management’s new generation, advance emergency management’s foundations and strengthening the whole community
Emergency Management Institute
Building emergency management’s new generation
For early career professionals, this school focuses on foundational training and development, connecting new emergency managers to the broader profession.
School of Disaster Leadership
Advancing emergency management’s foundations
For mid- to late-career professionals, this school offers continuing education and professional development.
Emphasis is placed on leadership development, peer learning, research, and idea generation. Key programs include the Vanguard Executive Crisis Leaders Fellowship and targeted certificate programs.
School of National Resilience
Strengthening the whole community
This school serves the broader emergency management community, including civil society actors, public health officials, and planners. It provides targeted training on emergency management fundamentals and deep dives into disaster risk reduction and extreme weather impacts, bridging the profession with the wider community.