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Student Perspectives and Academic Learning

Lead: Terry Cooper, MS, MPH, CEM®

Brief Description

The Student Perspectives and Academic Learning (SPAL) SIG offers an open forum for students to network and interact on academically related needs of students in emergency management programs. As academicians seek more innovate and interactive methods of teaching and student-learning initiatives, student perspectives provide valuable insight into methods that students enjoy and find successful in their academic matriculation. Through collaborative insight of students and academicians, a network of professionals and students can be fostered that can provide opportunities for mentorship, research, and progression of students into academia. Student perspectives and academic learning encourages a multi-directional approach to improving teaching and student learning through direct interaction with student populations.


  1. To provide valuable student insight on innovative and interactive concepts that enhance learning experiences for students and teaching experiences for academicians.
  2. To provide a forum for collaboration between students, academicians, and researchers that foster opportunities for mentorship, research, and practical knowledge application.
  3. To assist in the development of evidence-based curricula practices that encourage successful student learning facilitating advancement into the emergency management field.

Next Steps: Objectives, Projects, or Activities

  1. Recruit a diverse population of members at each academic level (Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral) that is representative of the student population.
  2. Facilitate a monthly conference call schedule to foster open dialogue on the needs of students and identify favorable learning techniques and outcomes through student experiences.
  3. Develop a student panel/round table to represent the SPAL SIG at the Higher Education Program Symposium to provide an open dialogue discussion between students and academicians.
  4. Develop and maintain a repository of research and volunteer opportunities that embraces academic learning.
  5. Create an open forum mechanism for students to actively engage and discuss pertinent issues from student perspectives within the emergency management field.

SIG Lead

Terry D. Cooper, MS, MPH, CEM®
University of New Haven in the School of Health Sciences

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