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IS-870.A: Dams Sector: Crisis Management

Notice: This course is pending revision in 2023-2024

Course Date


Course Overview

This is the first course in the Dams Sector web-based training series. The purpose of this series of courses is to provide owners and operators with information pertaining to security awareness, protective measures, and crisis management.

This course addresses crisis management activities as an important component of an overall Risk Management Program and provides dam and levee stakeholders with recommendations to assist in the development of various plans focused on enhancing Preparedness, protection, recovery, and resilience capabilities. The training course describes the purpose and basic elements of Emergency Action Plans, Recovery Plans, and Continuity Plans; and addresses the basic elements of an effective exercise program.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  1. Describe the mission and characteristics of the Dams Sector.
  2. Identify the elements of risk management related to the Dams Sector.
  3. Describe the purpose and elements of Emergency Action, Recovery, and Continuity Plans.
  4. Describe the purpose and elements of pandemic preparedness.
  5. Describe the purpose and types of exercises.
  6. Identify the elements of risk management, including: Consequence, Vulnerability, and Threat
  7. Describe the purpose and elements of: Emergency action plans, Recovery plans, and Continuity plans
  8. Describe the purpose and types of exercises, including: Discussion-based and Operations-based exercises.





Course Length:

2 hours
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  • Test questions are scrambled to protect test integrity
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