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IS-815: ABCs of Temporary Emergency Power

Course Date


Course Overview

The goal of this course is to acquaint members of various communities of practice (emergency management, public works, water/wastewater, healthcare, etc.) with requirements related to provision of temporary emergency power to their facilities following disruption of the commercial power grid.

Course Objectives:

Identify the the types of facilities local community personnel believe could be critical to response and recovery activities

  • Describe various mitigation and best practices related to facility generator requirements
  • Describe preparedness and best practice's to determine facility generator requirements
  • Describe the required activities related to the installation of a generator
  • Describe the required activities related to the sustainment of generator operations
  • Describe the required activities related to de-installation and demobilization of a generator
  • Describe the safety requirements and activities related to generator installation and operations

Primary Audience

Emergency management, public works, water/wastewater, healthcare, etc. involved with provision of temporary emergency power to their facilities following disruption of the commercial power grid





Course Length:

2 hours
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Take Final Exam
  • Test questions are scrambled to protect test integrity
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