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IS-912: Retail Security Awareness: Understanding the Hidden Hazards

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Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to make persons involved in commercial retail operations aware of the actions they can take to identify and report suspicious purchases or thefts of products that actors could use in terrorist or other criminal activities.

To achieve this goal, the course provides an overview of prevention steps aimed at identifying and monitoring high-risk inventory products and reporting suspicious activities to law enforcement agencies.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify steps they can take to help prevent their inventory from being used to manufacture or deploy homemade explosives.
  • Describe the importance of identifying and reporting suspicious purchases and activities in the retail sector.
  • Specify additional actions they can take to protect their inventory from misuse or theft.

Primary Audience

This course is designed for retail managers, loss prevention specialists, risk management specialists, product managers, sales associates, and others involved in retail operations.





Course Length:

1 hour
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Final Exam
  • Test questions are scrambled to protect test integrity
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