scenes of disasters
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Additional Web Resources

Additional Web sites that may be useful include:

  • FEMA: www.fema.gov
    Provides information on disaster preparedness and recovery.
  • FEMA Emergency Management Institute: training.fema.gov
    Presents online training on a variety of prevention, preparedness, and response topics.
  • Ready.Gov: www.ready.gov
    Provides information on preparation and planning for incidents.
  • NIMS Resource Center: www.fema.gov/nims
    Contains information and documents on the National Incident Management System, including implementation and compliance guidelines.
  • Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program: www.hseep.dhs.gov
    Presents resources including the Training and Exercise Plan Workshop User’s Handbook, Exercise Evaluation Guides, and National Preparedness Guidelines.
  • Department of Education: www.ed.gov
    Offers information on general school emergency preparedness and planning as well as on specific topics, such as school violence and pandemic flu.
  • National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities: www.ncef.org
    Includes subject-specific resources on more than 140 school facilities topics.
  • Flu.gov: www.flu.gov
    Contains the latest information and recommendations on influenza.
  • Natural Hazards Center: www.colorado.edu/hazards
    Serves as a national and international clearinghouse for publications and research related to natural hazards.
  • Environmental Protection Agency HealthySEAT: www.epa.gov/schools/healthyseat
    Contains the School Environments Assessment Tool (HealthySEAT) to help schools evaluate and manage their facilities for key environmental, safety, and health issues.
  • Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): www.citizencorps.gov/cert
    Provides information on disaster preparedness, including training in basic disaster response skills.