If you are considering enrolling in a course of study or program at a higher education institution, you may find it useful to inquire about the external quality review of the course, program, or institution.
- Is the course, program or institution accredited?
- What are the standards of quality? Is there an available summary of the last review?
- If the course, program, or institution is not accredited, is it certified for quality by another organization?
- What external quality review is performed by this other organization and what are the standards? Is there a summary of the last review?
- How can the organization that accredits or provides other types of external quality reviews be contacted?
You may address these and similar questions to:
- The institution or provider under consideration for enrollment
- Certifying organization, if necessary
If you are considering enrolling in an initial course of study or program at one institution and may want to enroll in a further course of study or program at another higher education institution in the future, you may find it useful to inquire about transferability of credits and courses.
- Will other institutions accept the credits and courses earned?
- Will other institutions count the credits and courses toward a degree?
- Will graduate schools accept the credits and courses for admission?
- Who decides toward what the credits or courses count? How can they be contacted?
You may address these and similar questions to:
- The institution or provider under consideration for enrollment
- The institution or provider under consideration for transfer
If you intend to use a course of study or program for employment purposes or would like your employer to provide tuition assistance, you may find it useful to inquire about acceptance of credits and courses by employers.
- Will employers accept the credits and courses earned?
- Will employers acknowledge the credits and courses for upgrading, retraining and additional compensation?
- Who should be contacted to learn what courses and credits an employer may accept?
Note: The FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project does not endorse any specific course of study, program or institution, but does encourage careful examination of materials, commitments and claims of all providers of higher education.