NEHRP Publications
Earthquake Safety Checklist FEMA 526
A 12 page brochure with individual and family earthquakes safety information.
Earthquake Home Hazard Hunt Poster FEMA 528
This poster provides visuals and descriptions so that homeowners can
identify and fix at-risk areas of their homes to reduce future earthquake
damage and disruption.
Homeowner's Guide to Earthquake Safety FEM 530
This detailed guide was developed by the California Seismic Safety
Commission and provides recommendations that homeowners can reduce damage
form an earthquake.
Promoting Seismic Safety: Guidance for Advocates FEMA 474
This 40 page booklet offers research-based advice so that seismic safety
advocates can more effectively present risk reduction information and
The Adventures of Terry the Turtle and Gracie the Wonder Dog FEMA
This storybook was developed by Washington Military Department's Emergency
Management Division for children in grades 3-6.
Drop, Cover, and Hold on Poster FEMA 529
This poster is intended for classroom use and updates a previous edition.
Earthquake Safety Activities FEMA 527
This updated publication provides classroom activities for elementary
school teachers on earth science and earthquake hazards.
Seismic Sleuths FEMA 253-CD
This CD contains the previously printed curriculum supplements that
provide middle and high school teachers with activity sheets for students
and background material for teachers.
Rapid Visual Screening Training Package FEMA 154-CD
This CD supplements the handbook FEMA 154, Rapid Visual Screening of
Building for Potential seismic Hazards and contains Power Point slides
with instructor notes: the RVS Student Manual(FEMA 153-SM): data collection
forms; and the PDF and text files of FEMA 154.